Emergency Care

To help reduce any inflammation and pain it can help to apply ice packs or a frozen bag of vegetables to the affected area for 10 minutes on and off, but make sure the pack is covered either by a damp cloth or a towel. Gentle exercise and stretching, such as walking or doing everyday tasks, will help your recovery. Don't take to your bed and lie still as this can further aggravate the condition and may slow recovery.

You can take painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (check with your pharmacy), if you feel the need to. Hot compression packs may also help reduce the pain

Emergency appointments are available.

BUPA Registered Chiropractor in Burgess Hill, Eastbourne, Bexhill and Hove

Here at SpinalChap Chiropractic we are one of the few BUPA Registered Chiropractors in the Eastbourne, Seaford, Bexhill and Brighton & Hove areas. At SpinalChap Chiropractic clinics in Eastbourne, Seaford, Bexhill and Brighton & Hove we are registered to cover all insurers including but not limited to BUPA, AXA PPP, Simply Health, Standard Life, Aviva, WPA etc.


After a golfing injury I could hardly walk with lower back pain, but after a visit to the Burgess Hill Chiropractic Clinic and the pain improved straight away and within two weeks I was moving freely and pain free
